Drug development is difficult at the best of times, but it's significantly more difficult when dealing with rare disorders. The average cost of producing a new medicine has been a point of conflict, with estimates varying from $314 million to $2.8 billion in recent years. This make it more important to identify the best opportunities before investment of time and money. Disease and Market Landscape can help the companies to make smart choice and prepare a roadmap for the future strategies.
The major question can be answered by these exercises:
To identify the attractive indications from the disease universe
Level of pipeline activity
Level of opportunity
Addressable patient size
Available treatment options
Unmet needs
Licensing opportunities
What Process we Follow ?
Opportunity assessments based on epidemiological forecasting
Cost of Therapy
Therapy Pricing
Create a Disease Landscape
Various Treatment Algorithm
Create a list of pipeline assets
List of competitors
Create a list of indications
Shortlist attractive indications
Finalization of selected indications from clinical and commercial perspective
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India :
Near 60 Feet Rd, Dwarkapuri, Indore, Madhya Pradesh PIN-452009